

New single ‘I’d Go With You Anywhere’ out now!

Hi guys, stoked to be able to finally drop IGWYA!!!! This song has been swirling around for a little bit now and we needed time for it to find it’s voice. So what you hear is where it landed!

Grab ‘I’d Go With You Anywhere’ on iTunes
Listen to ‘I’d Go With You Anywhere’ on Spotify

In our ever searching and exploring creative world, it’s nice to be gifted little moments like this one that all of us feel really proud of. It’s a really personal and kind of spiritual ode to wonderment and the excitement and fear that usually saddles alongside the unknown.

It’s a journey and so we hope you find yourselves with us on this, and the epic next one that’s coming next year!!! ps Vid out soon for this as well, sneak peak in the pic below (just tweaking Kenny’s wire fighting mid-air kung fu scenes for bigger dramatic impact).

Enjoy this y’all!!!!!!!!!! See you very soon.
